
2024 “Faces of American Innovation” Award Ceremony and Congressional Briefing

Congressional Briefing on the Bayh-Dole Act and March-in Rights

2023 “Faces of American Innovation” Day of Action

Attacks on Bayh-Dole are Attacks on Small Business

Bayh-Dole 40th Anniversary Celebration

Decentralization = Innovation: The Case Against Reinstating Government Management of Federally-Funded Tech

President Biden’s March-in Framework: A Conversation with Joe Allen, Kate Hudson (AAU) and Dave Kappos (C4IP)

The Three-Pronged Attack on U.S. Innovation and Intellectual Property

Boosting Health Tech R&D in Developing Countries

Bayh-Dole and the Coronavirus Crisis

American Innovation in Peril: Misuse of the Bayh-Dole Act and Section 1498 Could Be a Knockout Punch

Innovation Under Siege: A Conversation on the Potential WTO TRIPS Waiver

Beating the Energy Crisis with Innovation

March-In Rights for Federally-Funded Inventions: A Primer